Category Archives: Travel blog

Day 6

It would be easier to list off the day’s events than write paragraphs about each, but I’ll try anyway.

It was excursion day. After a 45 minute drive, we ended up in Utrecht, Holland. After a tour in the morning, looking around the different parts of the city, most people went up a tower. I, however, decided to go shopping.

After buying souvenires, a lot of soap, and some chocolate, we had lunch in an old church building. This was followed by a tour around an old clockwork and musical instrument museum. I loved it. I could touch so many things, and listen to the tunes each artifact made. I even played a big street ohgan that had pipes to mimic the sound of a human veice in it. However, it just soudded like a goat.

After this, we listened to a blind man’s concert. We were either all bored, or fascinated. I was one of the fascinated. I wish I could play the piano like him.

Following this was a long boat trip which I enjoyed. Before coming baca to the campus, we got off of the boat and ate at a very nice restraunt. It was a very lively evening.